Best practices of conversion Optimisation by Angarayan

Best Practices of Conversion Optimisation – A Course Review

Conversion Optimisation is the process of making important changes to enhance the conversions. Conversion could be any of the desired actions like signing up for a newsletter, downloading a file, adding a product to the cart or contacting the business.

I was able to learn only one part of the course this week due to my business commitments.  further this course did not have as many videos as the previous one. As a result completion of the course also took some extra time. While this week’s learning pace was a little slower than the usual, I’ve learned quite a few important tips and tricks that are pertinent for a better conversion rate on the websites.

Conversion Optimisation Opportunities in all Websites

Some of the important places to optimise include the following locations.

Web Forms

All websites have a form. A contact form or a signup form or a form of any other nature. It is important to optimise this forms for easier conversion and sharing of the customer data without any inhibition. One of the most important aspects that you, as a conversion optimisation specialist, should do is to ask only for the information that you absolutely need. 

At the same time form friction  increases the quality of the leads.  incase if you need a lot of data from the visitor use multi-step forms.  include the auto populate option in the form. 

Buttons and Call to Actions

 in each website the call to action and the button should be prominent. It should be easy to find and click the relevant button when you are searching for them.Invisible button on hard to click call to action will not lead to conversion. Use the negative space or the white space wisely. Always use contrasting colours on the buttons.

Fold and Page Length

Conversion is not dependent on the engagement on the website. when you want to convert a visitor make it easy for the visitor to click the call to action or make the conversion action. Page optimised for conversion should convert the lead easily at the quickest time. It is not the page to enhance the amount of time spent on the website. 

So keep the important content before the fold of the page. keep the conversion of above the fold and also below the fold in your landing page.

Principles of Persuasive Design

Design plays an important role in the conversion. User interface and user experience (UI & UX) either breaks or makes your business. Use the clean and simple design that avoids complexity. Never include flashy and confusing elements in your website design. Have a clear visual hierarchy on the website and gently ease the customer towards the conversion.

Even the images that you have on your website should help in enhancing the conversion. never use sad or depressing images on your website unless you want the visitor to feel sad and sorrow. always have elements that provide a positive vibe on your website. Use real and high quality images that ad to the trustworthiness of your website. It is not Google alone that checks for your EAT. Even the potential customer will check for your Expertise, Authoritativeness & Trustworthiness.

Typography & Content

Today a large number of Web users access the internet through handheld devices like mobile and tablets. So it is important to optimise your website for easier usage on the mobile. Use a font size larger than 16px on your website. Do not use a font that is not coherent with your brand identity. At the same time don’t gamble with unconventional fonts that you use for your branding.

 It is important to use short sentences and shorter paragraphs. The Internet is a multimedia platform. Exploit the multimedia capabilities of your website and use suggestive images, videos and audio on your website.

The internet is full of impatient people. Use a TL:DR for people who are too lazy to read the whole paragraph. One simple act can enhance the information exchange and conversion in your website. 

Radical Redesign vs Evolutionary Design

Design should be a slow and evolutionary process. A radical change in the website design can irk existing customers or create a severe backlash in your readership. So, avoid making radical change in your website design or user experience. Always go with the data to make the changes. 

Home Pages

When optimising the home page, provide a proper value proposition to the visitor. It should answer these three questions: 

  • What can I do here?
  • Why Should I do it?
  • How’s this different/better than other offers?

Providing the answer to all these questions makes it easier for the visitor to trust in your product or solution and then make the buying decision. Once the value proposition is clear to the potential customer then there is no more need to convince the customer.  anyone who needs your service or product will convert without any external pressure. 

Website Speed Optimization

Website speed  plays an important role in the User experience and hence, conversion on your website. Make your side responsive and quick to load. 

Visual Hierarchy

Colours and sizes of different elements on your website provide an suggestive effect on your visitors. Use a proper visual hierarchy to guide the visitor can lead them to word conversion. Do not use small fonts. 

Read about my Conversion Optimisation Minidegree Review here.

Optimisation Opportunities Unique to eCommerce Websites

eCommerce websites are fast replacing conventional brick and mortar stores. You get a lot of opportunities to convert a potential customer in your physical store. Further, entering a store makes the visitor confine within the four walls of your store. However, in the eCommerce website, a visitor easily gets distracted and moves to a different website. So, the opportunities and importance of eCommerce optimisation is very high. Following are some of the important places to change in your eCommerce websites.

eCommerce Signups

Many a time, a simple change in the word and the copy can include and enhance the conversion rate. Avoid using words like register or new customer. Always allow just check out in your E-commerce website. You can offer account creation at the checkout page. It is important to provide an incentive for a visitor to create an account on your website.  provide additional values like offers discounts for the registered customers.

Ecommerce Category Pages

ECommerce website  occupies an important place in the revenue generation for any business. So it becomes important to optimise all the pages in your E-commerce website. Firstly, make the decision for the visitors easy. include filters in your website for an easier analysis of the options. use product badges like new, top rated, latest edition, on discount, last few, etc. These badges make it easier for the visitor to decide and choose the product. 

Include high quality and high definition photos and videos of the product so that the customer can take the decision easily. use custom sorting and other sorting options on the product page. 

Pricing and Pricing Pages

Pricing is probably the most important aspect in all markets. It should be consistent with the customer Persona of your brand. Someone who is looking for a premium, trustworthy and reliable solution to their problem will not choose a cheap solution. At the same time  a customer who wants a temporary solution will not opt for a highly priced product. Incentivise long-term commitment and make the customer a returning and repeating customer. Pricing should also be considered rate of the geographical location of your potential customer. A Customer in the United States of America will have a higher purchasing power when compared with the customer from Bangladesh or India. Your pricing model should be location specific.

Shopping Cart Pages

Your Shopping Cart and checkout page is where the actual sale happens. It is the actual money page for your website. Always test different variations of your court notifications and Designs before fixing the final design of your website. A shopper / customer should know exact details about the product that are added to their cart. Keep it simple but clear. 

Provide various payment options. Make the checkout process a simple and easy one for your customers. Use badges like free shipping, 30 day return, etc. Use security features like SSL, encryption, etc. 

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